About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

What's Work?

Work - 일하다...That's how to write it in Korean. As for me (저는) I've been working for a medical company (외사) for the last almost 9 years (거의 9 년). When I first (먼저) took (찍다) the profile photo (사진) on this blog (플로그), I was a Section Manager at my old company. Leaving that company in summer (여름) 2011, I joined the new company as a Senior Engineer. I was fortunate to meet many good (좋다) mentors who guided and mentored me to where I am today (오늘). I was promoted in 2012 to Assistant Section Head, 2013 to Section Head, 2016 to Manager and in 2018 to Senior Manager. I was also fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work in Engineering, Software Engineer and Customer Service and hope to continue to do so for years to come. From here, where do I go? (여기서 저는 어디로 가요?).....

 여기에 오늘의 하국어 문장들이예요...(Here are today's Korean sentences)

1. 지난주에 뭐 샀어요? (What did you buy last week?)

2. 친구하테서 무슨 선물을 받았어요? (What gift did you receive from your friend?)

3. 어떤 핸드폰을 샀어요? (What kind of handphone did you buy?)

4. 파티를 몇시에 시작할 거예요? (What time will the party start?)

5. 도서관에서 어느 책을 골랐어요? 서점에서 어느 책을 골랐어요? (Which book did you pick in the library? Which book did you pick in the bookstore?)

6. 누구랑 점심을 먹을 거예요? (Who will you be having lunch with?)

7. 아버지의 날을 언제에요? (When is Father's Day?)

8. 주전자를 어디에서 보관했어요? (Where did you keep the kettle?)

9.  말했어요? (Why did you not tell me?)

10. 이 케크는 어땠어요? (How was this cake?)

11. 이 토스트기를 어떻게 사용해요? (How do you use this toaster?)

12.  머리스타일을 얼마나 기쁜요? (How happy you are with the hairstyle?)

13. 야채를 얼마동안 끓었어요? (How long did you boil the vegetables?)

14. 제 돈용을 얼마에요? (How much is my allowance?)

15.  건물은 있어요? (How many floors does this building have?)

16. 이건랑 그건 안 바꾸고 싶어요. (I dont' want to change this and that).

17.  지금 저는 일하고 있어요. (I am working now)

18. 그 양파하고 당근를 썰 수 있어요? (Can you cut the onions and carrots?)

19. 지금 친구랑 말해야 돼요. (I have to speak with a friend now).

20. 지금 왜 못 먹어요? (문장이랑 잘 / 잘못) (Why can you eat it now?)

21. 이 편지를 저 편지보다  길어요. (This letter is longer than that letter)

22. 만약 이 커퓨터를 비싸면, 저는 확실히 팔 거예요. (If this computer is expensive, then I will definitely sell it).

23. 잊기전에 적어주세요 (Before you forget it, please write it down).

24. 수업전에, 저를 찾아주세요. (Before class, please find me).

25. 그 한국어수업 참석할까요? (Shall we attend the Korean language class?)

26. 오늘 저는 바빠서 한국어수업을 안 참석했어요. (Today I was busy so I didn't attend Korean class)

27. 이 음식은 맛있어요 그래서 저는 먹을 것 같아요.(This food is delicious so I think I will eat it.)

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