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Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What's up, Malaysia? And more Korean sentences....

An update on Malaysia - although the rakyat elected one government in 2018, Pakatan Harapan with Tun Dr. Mahathir as Prime Minister, today the government of Malaysia is Perikatan Malaysia (with the dreadful BN) with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin at the helm. Our country is truly a mess.....

1. 시장에서  샀어요? - What did you buy at the market? 

2. 무슨 가방을  거예요? - What bag are you going to buy?

3. 어떤 가방을 골랐어요? - What bag did you pick? 

4.  내일 우리는 영화를  시에  거예요? - What time will we watch the movie tomorrow?

5. 민석씨어느 자동차를 좋아해요? - Minseok, which car do you like? 

6. 오늘밤에 누구랑 만날 거예요? - Who are you going to meet with tonight?

7. 당신의 수업이 언제 시작해요? - When does your class start?

8.  책은 어디에서 놓았어요? - Where did you put the book?

9.  책은 당신   읽어요? Why aren't you reading this book?

10.  책은 어땠어요? - How was the book?

11. 당신  지갑이  어떻게 찾았어요? - How did you find my wallet?

12. 경은씨기분이 어만큼 기뻐요? - Kyeong Eun, how happy are you?

13.  점심은 얼마동안 요리했어요? - How long have you cooked this lunch?

14.  사과   하고  딸기  상자 얼마예요? - How much are these 4 apples and 2 boxes of strawberries?

15. 시장에서 포도  상자를 샀어요? - How many boxes of grapes did you buy at the market? 

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