About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Some Korean stuff before I log off for today....

Well, today I'll just start with a bunch of Korean stuff........I'm learning Korean because as I grew older, I realized that my memory isn't what it used to be. I decided to take up learning a new language, Korean Hangul seemed easy to learn and the I needed to learn new vocabulary, grammar, etc. and part of my homework is making new sentences. I've completed this homework but I think I'll write more sentences here....There's going to be 15 of them first.

1) 무엇 (뭐) : 방금 뭐 했어요?
2) 무슨 + 명사 : 무슨 핸드폰를 샀어요?
3) 어떤 + 명사 : 어떤 음식를 좋아해요? ; 어떤 차를 운전해요?
4)  몇 시여 : 기차는 부산에 몇 시에 도착해요? ; 콘서트는 서울에서 몇 시에 시작해요?
5) 어느 + 명사 : 수영 씨, 어느 시계를 살 거예요?
6) 누구 / 누가 : 이 국밥을 누가 요리했어요?
7) 언제 : 우리는 언제 더 영화를 볼 수 있어요?
8) 어디에/에서 : 점심을 어디에서 먹얼 거예요?
9) 왜 : 당신은 왜 그렇게?
10) 어떠 + 이다 > 어때요 : 그 콘서트는 어땠어요? 재미있어요?
11) 어떻게 + 동사 : 우와 진짜 뜨거워요! 이 커피를 어떻게 마셔요?
12) 얼마나 (얼만큼) + 형용사 (동사) : 그 라면이 얼만큼 매운요?
13) 얼마 + 동안 : 얼마동안 대구부터 부산까지 운전했어요?
14) 얼마예요 : 이 김밥이랑 볶음밥 전부 얼마예요?
15) 명사 + 몇 U.C. : 길동씨, 오늘밤에 맥주 몇 병을 마셨어요?

Well, that took about 30 minutes to write. I hope I can do this better next time. I will also have some others to write, using 안, 지 않다, 을/를 수 이다, 고 이다, 고 싶어요, 만, 만약...명, ......but that will be another day.

Oh and today I had Laksa, Char Hor Fun, Curry Mee etc. for lunch and the laksa was wayyyyyy too spicy (진짜 너무 매워요!)....I was like having the laksa heat the whole day and had to resort to drinking loads of Chrysanthemum tea to cool myself down.....Oh well....I'll be having plain clean soup tomorrow for lunch and dinner to get a better grip on my digestive system after the crazy spice outing today.....hahaha... 

For now, good night!

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