About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Half a year later!.....

It's been nearly half a year since I last wrote a blog. And so much has happened. All I can say is that a disease that started out in China late December 2019 slowly spread it's nefarious tentacles all around the world that by March 2020 more that 1,000,000 people had been infected.

As a result, Movement Control Order was implemented in Malaysia and everyone ordered to stay home. Everyone had to work from home and the kids had to stay away from nursery and school.

I've signed up for Ubitto (for Korean learning) and Talk To Me in Korean (also for Korean learning). I used Ubitto to write a diary of sorts but I don't think I should use that forum to write my personal stuff. So I have decided to write it here. There won't be any translations, but perhaps 2 years or 3 years down the road I can read it and understand what I wrote and the mistakes I probably made.

So here is the update for 2020년 6월 4일

오늘, 저는 "우비또"에서 제 일기를 지웠어요. 선생님은 일기를 안 좋아는 것 같아요.

그래서 저는 일기를 제 블로그에서 썰 거 예요.

이틀마다 저는 피곤하고 게을러라도 일기를 쓸 거 예요.

저는 한국어 정말 공부하고 싶어요 그래서 포기하지 않을 거 예요.

열심하세요! 열공하세요! 화이팅!

That's for today.


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