About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Continuing my sentence making....

So, my kids (제 아이들은 같이 자고 싶어요), and that meant 3 people on a Queen Size bed. Usually at this time, I don't get much sleep. As a result, I'm there on the bed thinking (너무 생각하다). And it dawned on me why don't I just use sometime in the mornings/afternoon to also make sentences.

And since I'm into it, I also got up from bed at 4.30am and had a light snack. And thought how I would write that in Korean (저는 일어나고, "biscuits" 먹었어요).

Continuing from where I left off last night,

9) -는 것 / -(으)ㄴ 것 / -(을)/ㄹ 것 : 저는 아침에 빵 먹은 거에요; 제 부인은 지난 일요일 "락사"를 산 거에요

10) Verb stem + 아/어/여 + 야 되다/하다 : 이번 주에 저는 우유하고 과일을 사야 되요 (This week I have to buy milk and fruits) ; 매일 저는 운동해야되요 (Everyday I have to exercise).

11) 더 & 보다 : The car is more expensive than the bed. 그 차는 침대보다 더 비싸요.
The beef is more tasty than the pork. 그 소고기는 돼지고기보다 더 맛있어요.

12) 만약....-(으)면 : 만약 비가 오면 저는 운동할 수 없어요. (If it rains, I cannot exercise).
만약 저는 늦으면 학교 갈 수 없어요 (If I'm late, I can't go to school)
만약 저는 늦으면 학교 안 가요. (If I'm late, I won't go to school)

13) 조심 운전하세요 ; 운전 조심하세요

14) 아직 자요 (I'm still sleeping) / 제 아들 벌써 자요. (My son is already sleeping)

15) 차로 왔어요? (Did you come by car?)

16) 가방을 다 팔 거예요? (Are you going to sell all the bags?) ; 걱정하지 마세요 (Don't worry) ;
더 팔아 주세요. (Please sell more).

And that's it for today! Perhaps I will write more for practice and hopefully get more proficient. 

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