About Me
- Patrick
- Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!
Thursday, June 25, 2020
What's Work?
Friday, June 19, 2020
How's the family?
Thus yesterday, we went to Klinik Singapore to have flu shots for everyone, me included. And after that, rewarded the kids with McDonald's Ice Cream - though I can't say it was truly a reward for them because they both put up quite a struggle when we were trying to get them to have their shots. They had Abbott Influvac Tetra shots.
And now, since I have missed one round of sentence makings, here are the next sets of Korean sentences.....
Also, as part of my Korean Lessons homework, I need to make 14 + Korean unit counter sentences such as:
사람 두 명; 코볼소 스무 마리; 연필 다섯 자루; 우유 열 잔; etc.. (명/분, 마리, 대, 개, 자루, 그루, 송이, 켤레, 장, 권, 컵, 잔, 살, 층)
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
What's up, Malaysia? And more Korean sentences....
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
I'm adding on more Korean sentences....
Now to the Korean sentences I wrote last night but didn't post. It's 8.55am. on 17th June 2020 in Malaysia, by the way.
Monday, June 15, 2020
To go on...and on...and on.....There's more to this than writing a blog
1. 오늘밤에 우리는 뭐 먹어요? (What are we eating tonight?)
2. 무슨 파스타를 먹어 싶어요? (What pasta do you want to eat?)
3. 어떤 파스타를 주문할 거예요? (Which pasta will you order?)
4. 우리는 식당에서 몇 시에 만날 거예요? (What time will we meet at the restaurant?)
5. 나중에 식당에서 어느 파스타를 먹얼 거예요? (Which pasta will you eat later in the restaurant?)
6. 오늘밤에 누구랑 식당에 와요? (Who are you going with to the restaurant tonight?)
7. 다시 이 식당에 언제 와요? (When are you coming back to this restaurant?)
8. 저녁 어디에서 파스타를 먹얼 거예요? (Where will you eat pasta for dinner?)
9. 그 이타리식당에 왜 안 가요? (Why aren't you going to the Italian restaurant?)
10. 그 파스타는 시식 어때요? /그 파스타는 맛은 어때요? (How is the pasta tasting?/How does the pasta taste?)
11. 이 식당에 어떻게 왔어요? (How did you come/get to this restaurant?)
12. 당신의 파스타가 어마큼 맛은요? (How tasty is your pasta?)
13. 그 파스타를 어마동안 끓었어요? (How long has the pasta been boiled?)
14. 저기요! 파스타 넷 접시에 얼마에요? (Excuse me! How much is it for 4 plates of pasta?)
15. 우리는 와인 몇 잔 주문할 거예요? (How many glasses of wine are we going to order?)
Saturday, June 13, 2020
This practice add-on and add-on to practice.......
This is my practice of how to use and as not to forget.....
고 있다 ; 고 싶어; (을)ㄹ 수 있다 ; 아/어/여 야 되/하 다 ; 를/을 잘 / 못 / 잘 못 ; ....보다 더 ; 만약...면
1st set :
저는 빵이 먹고 싶어요. (I want to eat bread)
저는 빵이 먹을 수 있어요. (I can eat bread)
저는 빵이 먹어야 돼요. (I need to eat bread)
저는 빵을 못 먹어요. (I can't eat bread)
호박은 빵이보다 더 비싸요. (Pumpkin is more expensive than bread)
만약 호박은 빵이보다 더 비싸면 저는 호박 살 거예요. (If zucchini is more expensive than bread, I will buy zucchini).
2nd set (13th June 2020):
저는 그 여자가 잊고 싶어요. (I want to forget her)
저는 차가 운전할 수 있어요. (I can drive)
저는 자야 돼요. / 저는 이 지갑이 사야 돼요. (I need to sleep / I have to buy this wallet)
저는 수영을 잘 해요. (I can swim well)
코끼리는 사자보다 더 무거워요. (Elephants are heavier than lions)
만약 당신은 이 커피 마시면, 저는 그 빵이 먹을 거예요. (If you drink this coffee, I will eat that bread).
Friday, June 12, 2020
Just some random Korean blog
So here are my 16 sentences for today:
1. 저녁에 뭐 먹었어요? (What did you eat for dinner?)
2. 아까 무슨 지갑을 샀어요? (What wallet did you buy earlier?)
3. 어떤 음식을 가져갔어요? (What food did you take?)
4. 오늘은 몇 시에 일어났어요? (What time did you wake up today?)
5. 어느 나라를 사람이에요? 어느 신문은 읽었어요? (Which country are you from? Which newspaper have you read?)
6. 이 우유를 누가 마셨어요? (Who drank this milk?)
7. 당신의 친구들은 언제 와요? (When are your friends coming over?)
8. 민주 씨, 어디여서 일해요? (Min Soo, where do you work?)
9. 이 음식을 왜 안 먹어요? (Why aren't you eating this food?)
10. 이 차를 어때요? 좋아해요? (Is this car good? Do you like it?)
11. 이 편지를 어떻게 쓸 거예요? (How would I write this letter?)
12. 그 라면이 어마나 매운요? (How spicy is that ramyeon?)
13. 어마동안 화장실에서 있었어요? (How long were you in the bathroom?)
14. 이 우산은 얼마예요? (How much is this umbrella?)
15. 당신은 아이들 몇 명을 있어요? (How may children do you have?)
Monday, June 8, 2020
Continuing my sentence making....
And since I'm into it, I also got up from bed at 4.30am and had a light snack. And thought how I would write that in Korean (저는 일어나고, "biscuits" 먹었어요).
Continuing from where I left off last night,
9) -는 것 / -(으)ㄴ 것 / -(을)/ㄹ 것 : 저는 아침에 빵 먹은 거에요; 제 부인은 지난 일요일 "락사"를 산 거에요
10) Verb stem + 아/어/여 + 야 되다/하다 : 이번 주에 저는 우유하고 과일을 사야 되요 (This week I have to buy milk and fruits) ; 매일 저는 운동해야되요 (Everyday I have to exercise).
11) 더 & 보다 : The car is more expensive than the bed. 그 차는 침대보다 더 비싸요.
The beef is more tasty than the pork. 그 소고기는 돼지고기보다 더 맛있어요.
12) 만약....-(으)면 : 만약 비가 오면 저는 운동할 수 없어요. (If it rains, I cannot exercise).
만약 저는 늦으면 학교 갈 수 없어요 (If I'm late, I can't go to school)
만약 저는 늦으면 학교 안 가요. (If I'm late, I won't go to school)
13) 조심 운전하세요 ; 운전 조심하세요
14) 아직 자요 (I'm still sleeping) / 제 아들 벌써 자요. (My son is already sleeping)
15) 차로 왔어요? (Did you come by car?)
16) 가방을 다 팔 거예요? (Are you going to sell all the bags?) ; 걱정하지 마세요 (Don't worry) ;
더 팔아 주세요. (Please sell more).
And that's it for today! Perhaps I will write more for practice and hopefully get more proficient.
한국어 and More.....
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Some Korean stuff before I log off for today....
1) 무엇 (뭐) : 방금 뭐 했어요?
2) 무슨 + 명사 : 무슨 핸드폰를 샀어요?
3) 어떤 + 명사 : 어떤 음식를 좋아해요? ; 어떤 차를 운전해요?
4) 몇 시여 : 기차는 부산에 몇 시에 도착해요? ; 콘서트는 서울에서 몇 시에 시작해요?
5) 어느 + 명사 : 수영 씨, 어느 시계를 살 거예요?
6) 누구 / 누가 : 이 국밥을 누가 요리했어요?
7) 언제 : 우리는 언제 더 영화를 볼 수 있어요?
8) 어디에/에서 : 점심을 어디에서 먹얼 거예요?
9) 왜 : 당신은 왜 그렇게?
10) 어떠 + 이다 > 어때요 : 그 콘서트는 어땠어요? 재미있어요?
11) 어떻게 + 동사 : 우와 진짜 뜨거워요! 이 커피를 어떻게 마셔요?
12) 얼마나 (얼만큼) + 형용사 (동사) : 그 라면이 얼만큼 매운요?
13) 얼마 + 동안 : 얼마동안 대구부터 부산까지 운전했어요?
14) 얼마예요 : 이 김밥이랑 볶음밥 전부 얼마예요?
15) 명사 + 몇 U.C. : 길동씨, 오늘밤에 맥주 몇 병을 마셨어요?
Well, that took about 30 minutes to write. I hope I can do this better next time. I will also have some others to write, using 안, 지 않다, 을/를 수 이다, 고 이다, 고 싶어요, 만, 만약...명, ......but that will be another day.
For now, good night!
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Half a year later!.....
As a result, Movement Control Order was implemented in Malaysia and everyone ordered to stay home. Everyone had to work from home and the kids had to stay away from nursery and school.
I've signed up for Ubitto (for Korean learning) and Talk To Me in Korean (also for Korean learning). I used Ubitto to write a diary of sorts but I don't think I should use that forum to write my personal stuff. So I have decided to write it here. There won't be any translations, but perhaps 2 years or 3 years down the road I can read it and understand what I wrote and the mistakes I probably made.
So here is the update for 2020년 6월 4일
오늘, 저는 "우비또"에서 제 일기를 지웠어요. 선생님은 일기를 안 좋아는 것 같아요.
그래서 저는 일기를 제 블로그에서 썰 거 예요.
이틀마다 저는 피곤하고 게을러라도 일기를 쓸 거 예요.
저는 한국어 정말 공부하고 싶어요 그래서 포기하지 않을 거 예요.
열심하세요! 열공하세요! 화이팅!
That's for today.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
It's been nearly 11 years since the last blog and so much has happened during that time. Just a quick recap about what has happened so far, put them aside and then blog on as if nothing happened. Not even that 11 year gap...................*sound of tumbleweed blowing across the empty dry desert*
2009 - Trip to Hong Kong
Me in Hong Kong at the IFC
2010 - Got married (I prefer to leave my wife anonymous. We'll just call her JY). No photos there....
2011 - Honeymoon - Switzerland, Paris & London! & Changed company and got to work in Stockholm.
Me in Stockholm
2012 - Birth of my lovely daughter HY, a trip to Japan.
2013 - Got to travel to Los Angeles
2014 - A 2 month stay in Los Angeles and a 1/2 month stay in Stockholm (where I got the message from my wife that she was pregnant!)
2015 - Birth of my lovely son AY.
2016 - Nothing significant on the personal side. Internationally, US citizens elected Donald Trump as the 45th US President....Photo not required. His face is all over, and I mean all over :)
2017 - Trip to Turkey with my family sans AY who we felt was too young for tour travel.
2018 - Return to Hong Kong (before the current mess it is in) with the family including AY.
Locally, Malaysians elected a new coalition government called Pakatan Harapan with our dear old ex-Prime Minister at the helm.
2019 - Nothing significant that year as well, though I have to put it in that my aunt, matriarch of the family on my maternal side celebrated her 100th Birthday.
2020 - Let us see what the year brings!
I hope that in 2020 -
a) My children and my wife are healthy and happy.
b) I have a good time working for the company I work for.
c) I go back to reading books, spending time blogging & improving my 한국어.
d) Increasing my net worth.
And so, that's a recap of 1 decade of happenings! And off we go!