About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

NOKIA...Connecting People

After writing the blog yesterday, i just wondered why i have never changed my mobile model. It has always been Nokia.

So I thought back to my handphones and here is a brief history of my mobile phone series......

My first handphone was when i went over to England to study. I still have it kept somewhere in one of the boxes underneath my bed, but for convenience sake of i'll lift it off some site in the Internet :P
Here it is.....Nokia 8110. This is the one they call the Matrix Phone.....Popular back in the late 90s.

Especially after Keanu Reeves was caught handling this phone in the Matrix. Of course, they thought the Matrix was just one show, but then it became Revolutions and sumthing.....
So i used this phone in England for like 2 years, and came back to work in Malaysia. By then i had to have something more up to date.....Then what did i look for??


Something cheap lah....Just started working mah....Where can go get one very very expensive one...And i thought about my safety too. Jadi....Mah go get one that was cheap and big and you could assault any assailant with it.....You could whack the heck out of anybody with it!
This one yah....It is Nokia 5110.....Very big, very heavy and you and a holster to hang it at your side. Just like a gun. Maybe that's why i liked it so much. I had it from 2000 - somewhere in 2002. Well, during that time, there wasn't the antenna-less mobiles yet, so this was what i had. It served me pretty well.

Then somewhere in 2001, i changed jobs and in 2002 had the chance to go to the US. And with it came some extra cash.....
Always, people like to make the equation.....United States = Land of Opportunity = Money...

So, i went hunting for a nice phone. And got myself this one.....This one then, was the
trendy phone of the day.....Antenna-less, Blue screen, butterfly keypad...It was a really good phone, but by the time i came back from the US, it cost only RM700. I was a lucky sod to have bought the trendy phone for a cheapo price.....But then again, the market forces had made it really cheap.
Now this phone, i really liked it. So much so, that when i received an invitation by Maxis (coz i was like using so much of their services) to go buy a new phone at a discounted rate some two years later, i gave it to my mum. Guess what? After 5 years, this phone is still in good condition. My mum still uses it...Talk about Finnish technology. This one did say.......
Made in Finland.

After coming home from an Europe trip (no, i am not a rich bus3rd, but went to US one more time), I went about looking for a new phone. The hunting wasn't difficult coz by now, i knew that I AM a Nokia addict. I am still using it on top of the Nokia 2600. And it was the model that could take pics. Presenting......
This is the Nokia 6610i. Still in good condition. I found many pics of it on the Net, but the casing on this one is the exact one that i have. The silver casing.
So in a total span of 10years, i have bought, used and obsoleted 5 different mobile phones but all the while it has been NOKIA....
Yes, they truly CONNECT PEOPLE. Myself included.....

Paljon Kiitoksia


1 comment:

Ti said...

huh, i didnt know you had a banana phone. if you still have it, you can try selling it. im sure its worth some in EBAY since it was used in MATRIX MOVIE