About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sunday weekend....

So it is Sunday....There's nothing much happening today, so I thought that I'd spend sometime blogging about anything.
I slept around 2.30am last night. Spend my last few waking minutes/hours playing Civilization 3. Yes, I am THAT ancient. I never got an upgrade for my laptop and home PC so I am giving Civ 4 a miss for now or probably the last two years.

The last few minutes of my waking time was spent with First, Break...which is getting more interesting. Remarkably, what is written makes much sense, but not many people, (managers) practice it.

And before that, I worked out the Work Breakdown for my team. Seems like I should be having 12 engineers, but I doubt I will be getting them soon. I made a comment, which I will bring up to my manager, that when I started as the manager I had 3 products in manufacturing, 0 in NPI and 1 in support. At that time I had 10 engineers and 1 tech. Now with 4 products in manufacturing, 2 in NPI and 1 in support I have 9 engineers and 1 tech. Looks odd to me...I wonder if my manager and his manager expects me to run my team LEAN....Perhaps they want my team to go from

OBESE (scared?)

to LEAN (hey, not bad looking)

to MALNOURISHED (have mercy... :( )

I'm wondering about diversification too. I need to diversify my investments. I've got fixed deposits, shares, mutual funds, investment linked funds and some gold. Hmm...should I buy more company shares and some more gold??

Nope...not this one.....Not enough cash.....Perhaps something like this....

The USD is dropping through the roof (1 USD = 3.15 MYR) and the company shares are down...Perhaps I should cut my percentages next quarter and not invest in this quarter...I must review my options.

As for gold, it went down to USD870/oz. 2 weeks ago. Now its back to USD925. I'm just waiting for it to go low....I think there's a good chance for some investment in gold if it goes back down. Investors say there's a correction coming, but I am not sure if it has passed. Wait and see...Early next week I will be meeting my Mutual Fund adviser to invest another sum of money in there. Markets are down, the funds are cheaper. So for dollar cost averaging, this should be the time to buy more.... :)

Last night at church, we had Pastor William Lau and his wife Pastor Lucille. They came for the Elijah Challenge. Surprisingly, he is in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lau

That's Ps. William Lau on the right. I don't have a pic from last nite's rally because I was ushering. Obviously, I wasn't official photographer. So i took this off another website.

If you are Christian and would like to know more about the Elijah Challenge Healing Ministry, here is the website: http://www.theelijahchallenge.org/

It emphasizes on the ability of ordinary Christians to be able to heal the sick. It also needs the believers to show great faith. And during his sermon, he spoke on two scriptures that I particularly like.

The first is when Jesus heals a paralytic man. The story goes that there is a man, who has been paralysed for a long time, who gets FOUR of his friends to build him a stretcher to carry him to see Jesus. But they way to the house where Jesus was was full of people. With no choice, they carried him to the rooftop of the house in old Capernaum, make a hole in the roof and lowered the man down. The two things that struck me here was...1. The man's faith, 2. The man's friends. I wonder if I have 4 friends who will do that for me...Hmmm....

The second is the bleeding lady. Bleeding for a long time (12 years) and no healing, she told herself that even if she should just touch the clothes of Jesus, she will be healed. Remarkable faith! Here's the story: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%205:25-34;&version=31;

Finally, I can't wait to meet CF for dinner tonight. I have not seen her since last Saturday, except for a quick glance at her last night. So tonight we will be having dinner, but her throat isn't feeling too well. So maybe Japanese again. But this time, I think she should have some ramen....Maybe Ichyo Ramen will be a good choice...I have got her pic in my mobile, but not sure how to post it. Maybe another time.

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