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Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Penang CM's current home

I was having dinner with some friends last night at this fantastic restaurant called Cuisine Bou down at Burmah Road. It serves very good Japanese food. We were all yet to dig into any Hiyashi Chuuka, Sake Kawa Temaki, Sake Teriyaki...etc..etc.. when all of a sudden, one of them asks, "Where does Lim Guan Eng stay?" Who you may ask is Lim Guan Eng?

This yah, is Lim Guan Eng (with his arms spread wide).....New Penang Chief Minister after 18 years of some other guy called Dr. Koh Tsu Koon....The Penangites got fed up of 18 years of Dr. Koh, so we threw him and his party out of the state and got this fella and his party, the Opposition DAP, in. Though i must make a passing remark that in defeat, the whole Malaysia saw how graceful Dr. Koh was in handing over the reins of power.....Kudos to Dr. Koh! (see smaller pic)

I know where he stays and i know there are many Penangites who know where he is staying but my friend is from Damansara so he was just curious. Why would you want to know where Guan Eng is staying? Going to stalk him? Going to pay him a visit? Take photos? Hai....no need lah...The man already got lots of pics of him.

I think YAB would want a quiet time around the house where he is currently staying. It is a modest corner, semi-detached. You would not even think twice about looking at it. That i think is how our Malaysian politicians should live. Modestly....YAB said the Rumah Tetamu (Guest House in English), official residence of the CM is having 'atap bocor' and will cost RM300000 to repair. I was like WTF???????? Atap bocor until so bad that it will cost RM300000?????

Where's the proper maintenance on a place like this? For heaven's sake, that's the CM's official house. Why is the upkeep so terrible? Where were the people taking care of the house that, now with a new CM, he cannot even move in?? And to move in he would have to fork out another RM300000 of Penang tax payers money to repair. And rightly so that he did not do that......
So what happened to taxpayers money allocated for the upkeep of the Rumah Tetamu? One can only wonder how come some other politicians are richer.....Hai...

Tinggal sendiri punya rumah lebih bagus. Don't fuss over some official residence. I think its only right. It is just for pure show off that the CM needs an official residence. In fact, i think we should just do away with the official house. If Datuk Seri Abdullah comes a calling, he can visit Guan Eng at KOMTAR or that little house. Perhaps, we should let government officials stay at government quarters...Hahahaha.... :D

But I digress. I did have an inkling where he was staying when, on one early Saturday morning, after buying my Tausa Pau and driving off from the kopitiam, i saw PG1....Official CM car outside the house...Then i knew that Mr. Lim had taken up residence at Mr. Lim's.

Anyway, my friend did not give a satisfactory answer, so i decided it best not to tell him or anyone. C'mon.....it took us 40 years to vote in an Opposition for State Govt. and you want to scare their leader away?


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