About Me

Someone who tried his hands at blogging...Now if only he could maintain it in a structured way!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

It gets ridiculous then.....And I still ramble....

Nov 5, - I have removed all the photos in the blog, except for the one with lots of Patricks around me.....Its better not to have people being able to access to the pictures in the blogs, whats more pics of my other friends. There are really odd people out there...others, not my friends.

It still hasn't ended...I went swimming this one evening, Saturday, just before going for evening service and met one of my parent's friend. He started off asking where I worked and that his niece and nephew-in-law worked there before. Surprisingly, I knew his nephew-in-law, though I am not sure where he is now. So after that, he went on to ask me whether I was already attached. He said how fair i looked and how handsome i was so it was surprising I was not attached.

I was just thinking that I looked fair probably from the lack of blood going through my body after a vigorous swim and I probably looked good because I had dressed up all well just to go for service....Hahahaha.... :D

Then last night, I was chatting with another friend from out of town. His first question was, "What the hell is Order of the Phoenix?" and so I explained to him the whole situation of Harry Potter #5. Following that, we just chat on the current Malaysia situation. At the end he brought up the question...."So who is the girl you chatting with?" Apparently there's this never ending questioning....Huuuuuuuhhhhhh....... :P

One of my engineers is getting married this weekend, one of my classmates is getting married the following day where I am the best man, and another church friend is getting married in December. Perhaps 'tis the season to be looking....Hahahha.... :D then when the time comes and you realize that oh well, it was all for reducing boredom, you break off....D'oh...And one of my friends did propose to his girlfriend while they were on vacation and so it seems I am really far and behind.....

Well, what's there to do? I think I will have dinner on Wednesday with a girl and Friday movies with another girl....Let's see how things turn out.... :P

Tommy Chin is back.....He gave me this....A chopstick and a teacup...Thanks!


Friday, November 2, 2007

It starts off with a point....then i started to ramble....

Ah well, we have reached end of October and beginning of November......I am juz going to ramble on below....

Jerry & QF returned safely from Japan. Jerry got me a nice Japanese charm gift from Japan to help me find a girlfriend (I think).....Really, really appreciated the gift though i did not say it in many words to him. He really had an enjoyable time.....I think it will only be a matter of time to *ahem*....

Talking about that, girlfriends, 3 friends have been asking me to get a move on it. Hahaha.... :D I think the Japanese charm says it all. Another friend, Chris, says its about time to get a girlfriend. And not more than 10 minutes after my chat with Chris, another friend, CK says the same thing too in MSN.

So.....is this my next mission? To find a girlfriend? I gotta say this has not been one of my top priorities but apparently lots of people are just wanting me to find this right girl. And its gonna be a difficult job to do. I must admit that i am rather a picky fella. And also a really shy one. Heck, i think the world will probably end before i wanna ask another girl out. I used to be in relationships, but the bachelor life has caught on to me. I really do enjoy spending time with my other buddies, friends and fellow Christians. So i have gotten into a more hesitant mode when it comes to asking ladies out nowadays...Kekekeke..... =)

So how? Maybe i should put out an advert to meet single chinese ladies, age 24-29, professional, working, good character, has seemly physical qualities, Christian. Now that should be the advert....But i dun think i will ever to dat....Hehehe.....Now this is a mystery....a problem to solve....a future to look for.....haiz...who am i kidding.....Just another one looking for a partner.... :P


Its been a hectic working 3 days. Tim and Audrey are home too. So its great to have my squash partner back and i can get to exercising and get rid of that work stress. I chat with Chris over the night on Thursday and we were both sharing our work experiences lately. He is another one of my better friends. Though since he got on more stable with Sheila, his girlfriend, and also his work, i have been seeing less and less of him either for casual meet up or at CG. Probably this is really a tough job in marketing. He goes all around the world introducing products to customers and training other engineers on how to use it.

Chris just came back recently from travels to Europe.....Germany and England i think and soon will be flying to Morocco. If my flights were that frequent i'd probably be younger by now a few hours according to Einstein. But i think for me it was good that i did not go for the job Chris got. It has so much travelling, I will be away from my love ones so frequently..... :P 'Bae tong'

But i think it suits him. This is the challenge that keeps him alive and running else i think he will die of boredom in any other department.

Talking about challenges at work, i think one place i need to improve is communication with the Japanese team. Aaaarrrggghhh......they get on my nerves!! They so so get on my nerves! But no choice, have to deal with them.

Dun for one moment believe I have problems with other things Japanese. I love a lot of things Japanese.....ramen, udon, soba, sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, sushi, sashimi, saba, sake, tempura, katakana, hiragana, yen, naruto, ueki etc...etc... the list can go on & on.....Therefore, i need to learn some sort of communication technique with the people in the Land of the Rising Sun. Otherwise i think i will blow my top the next time i talk with them. I can probably kiss my $$$ increment goodbye..... :P

As I am writing this entry, i am engaged in a chat MSN with another friend. Her name is Wendy, and she is one of the girls i really & truly like. But she made it clear to me some years back that I am not her type to be her bf. If i remember correctly i am too short. Hahahaha.... :D It was sad to hear that, but i am glad we remained friends though at one time i did not talk to her. This is one hell decision i really regret.
We have met up once in a while, had dinner, chit chat, talk so I really appreciate her being the friend she is. She is a fun girl to be with and from the photos she has on her outings, she is really happening and on the scene.
At this moment, i am trying to get her agreement to put her photo here.....Hehehe....And i dun wanna tell her the blogspot address unless she says yes....Cat & Mouse, Catch 22, Chicken & Egg situation... :P

Oh well, she won't allow it, but since she is the good friend she is, and i have had the time to bargain the situation with her, i'll just let her have the blog address.....hehehe....She would have got the address in the end, since i won't deny her anything....sigh...That's how much i like this girl...

Life goes on.....
